Investing in a Better Transportation Future

Oregon is receiving more than a billion dollars from the federal government through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. This money will be allocated to projects around the state by the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), under the direction of the Oregon Transportation Commission (OTC). The OTC is currently considering key decisions about spending this money, with final decisions due in March. 

Oregon Environmental Council, as a core member of the Clean and Just Transportation Network, is calling on the OTC to spend the money on projects that make it easier and safer to walk, bike and take transit in, and between, communities around the state. 

On January 19th, OEC co-hosted a panel discussion on how transportation funding could support thriving communities across the state. Our experts – LeeAnn O’Neill (Bend Bikes), Maria Hinojos Pressey (Cherriots), Lucas Wedeman (Rogue Action Center), and Sam Diaz (1000 Friends of Oregon), with moderator Steph Routh – spoke about how this influx of federal transportation money could be invested to provide more transportation choices, more economic opportunities, and transform people’s lives. The speakers raised the many topics that are entangled in transportation, including housing and access to economic opportunities. They also talked about what the current system costs their communities in lives, isolation, exposure to air toxics, and more. They imagined using federal money to expand transit, create safe, convenient routes for biking and walking, and make communities more resilient.

The OTC met on January 20th to review four scenarios for allocating the flexible federal funds. OEC signed a joint letter with other organizations (The Street Trust, 1000 Friends of Oregon, Climate Solutions, Verde, No More Freeways, and BikeLoud PDX) asking the OTC to consider a fifth scenario which dedicated the bulk of the available funds to walking, biking and public transit investments. At the OTC meeting, commissioners briefly raised this additional scenario and asked staff for an analysis of it. As the conversation moves forward, OEC and our allies will be engaging with OTC members, ODOT staff, and other decision-makers. We will continue to push for the money to be allocated in a way that allows Oregonians more options for getting around in ways that are safer and healthier for us and for our communities. 


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