What does clean air mean to you?

Photo by Friends of Trees on Flickr.

Oregon Environmental Council is celebrating Park(ing) Day on September 20, 2019. Park(ing) Day is a global event that allows us to reclaim our public space and imagine what we could do with them if we weren’t using them to store cars. Roadways used to be spaces for pedestrians, but with the advent of the automobile, our relationship to the “public right-of-way” has changed. On Park(ing) Day, groups and individuals adopt parking spaces around Portland for a day to celebrate, learn, relax, and enjoy our public right-of-way with art, activities, living room spaces and more.

For our first ever Park(ing) Day, we wanted to honor our core values and make a space for people to rest and think about our Oregon environment. We’re excited to be displaying a new collaborative art piece by Daniel Granias and the Jade District Air Quality Project. What does clean air mean to you? Come visit our space, take a moment to relax in your public right of way, and consider what we can do together to make a difference.

Oregon Environmental Council’s Park(ing) Day event will be located on SW Park Ave between SW Jefferson and SW Madison, across from the Oregon Historical Society. Drop by any time between 10am and 3pm on September 20th!

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