Turning toward the river

The Big Float, photo by Human Access Project
Working for clean water isn’t always about toxic algae, fish die-offs and drought.
Most of the time, it’s about having fun!
Whether you’re running through the sprinkler, paddling the slough, fishing for your community celebrations, or playing fetch with Fido, connecting Oregonians with our rivers, lakes and waterways is just as important as walking the halls of Oregon’s capitol building.
With The Big Float 8, the Human Access Project sets out to create a space for families and friends to have fun in the Willamette River and inspire positive aspirations for the river’s healthy development, protection and improvement.
While City of Portland’s Big Pipe Project significantly reduced sewage overflow events polluting the river each year, there are still many challenges facing the Willamette. Between water that’s too warm for salmon to survive, toxic runoff from our farms and city streets, and the removal of critical floodplain forests, it will take all of us working together to heal this river system.
The Willamette River threads Oregon’s largest cities together, and it’s our river to protect – for the communities that live, work, play and pray here; the businesses that depend on the long-term sustainability of our resources; animals and ecosystems that won’t exist without it; and for future generations of Oregonians.
Oregon Environmental Council is working to raise awareness of these issues and rally Oregonians to invest in healthy watersheds. Our team will have a table at The Big Float 8, so come out and see us!
It’s also our 50th anniversary year, and we want to hear from you about what Oregon means to you. Stop by our table at The Big Float 8 to share your stories and aspirations for Oregon’s environmental movement.