The Human Experiment: costing us more than we know

Over four years of fighting for safe, toxic free toys for Oregon’s children, the team at OEC has learned something we wish wasn’t true: the chemical industry will use their wealth and dirty tactics to block even the most innocuous chemical reform. Across the country, change has come slowly. In Oregon, we might finally have our year.

Of course, Oregon’s children aren’t the only victims of the United States’ ineffective chemicals protections. Produced and narrated by Sean Penn, The Human Experiment is a moving film that follows the stories of individuals affected by chemical exposure. It also delves into the legislative battles between public health advocates and industry lobbyists across the the country. You may be shocked, as we were, by the chemical industry’s methods.

The OEC team had the opportunity to see this film last month in Salem. It hit close to home. I need two hands to count the number of women I know who struggle with infertility, a struggle that is closely linked to chemical exposure–in the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat. And it’s not just them. Exposure to hazardous, and hazardously common, chemicals has been linked with cancer, autism, diabetes and…If you are like me, it’s tempting to bury your head in the sand and ignore the issue.

But I refuse to back down when it comes to our health. Instead of getting overwhelmed, I’m determined to keep doing my part to pass the Toxic Free Kids Act here in Oregon. The first 1,000 days of life are the most important stage in a child’s development. This one little law can play a huge part in reducing the harmful chemicals our kids are exposed to every day. OEC has been trying to pass toxics reform here in Oregon for years, and every session, we’re left disappointed. Not this time. It’s time Oregon stood up for its kids.

I hope you’ll join me to be inspired and educated by this film. If we’re going to protect Oregonians from toxic chemicals, we need your support. Joining us for the Human Experiment could be your first step. Learn, engage with our panel of experts afterward, and leave knowing that you can make a real change.

Bring your friends, kids, and neighbors–let’s do this, OREGON!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015 at 7:00PM at Cinema 21 in Portland. Click here for more info or buy your tickets NOW!

Thanks for helping!

MichelleMcGrath_headshot01 and signature-01

Michelle McGrath, Membership & Engagement Manager

And thank you, Sierra Club, for co-hosting this event with OEC!


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