29 results for tag: environmental justice

Oregonians feel climate disruption, unfinished business

Climate disruption, along with unchecked air and water pollution from dirty energy sources, is harming Oregonians, and for too long, our leaders have put off addressing climate change in a comprehensive way.

Join us for a Statewide Day of Action

In the unprecedented world facing us, what’s the most powerful statement you can make? It’s showing up to say I care about protecting people, defending clean air and water, and giving our kids a better life. On Saturday, Nov. 4th, we all need to show up. Check it out. Oregonians have been organizing for years. On November 4th, people across the state gather to show our legislators we can't wait any longer for a strong, equitable climate policy in Oregon. If you’ve been looking for an excuse to get together with friends, enjoy a beverage and talk about shared values, then look no farther. Join Oregon Environmental Council, founding ...

A Report Card for our Climate: Oregon Gets Graded

Wonder how Oregon is doing at meeting climate and clean energy goals? A new, visually-compelling Clean Energy Report Card grades Oregon’s progress toward a clean energy economy, and shows a suite of solutions which will create good paying jobs, make the air cleaner and promote healthy communities. The Report Card also provides inspiring examples of clean energy solutions--like how Pendelton has become a leader in solar installations. It includes surprising facts, including that transit projects create 70% more jobs compared to highway projects. It underscores that Oregon needs several solutions working together to accelerate the clean energy ...

REPORT: Oregon Faces Climate Threats; We Are Committed to Solutions

The Oregon Climate Change Research Institute just released their third Oregon Climate Assessment Report, and the results are foreboding. Off the top, it clearly states the problem: “burning fossil fuels to run our factories, heat our homes and drive our cars produces heat-trapping gasses that unequivocally warm the planet.” The report presents compelling evidence as to how our state is already experiencing the effects of climate change, and the various threats that lie ahead. Key takeaways: A majority of Oregonians are concerned about climate change: Two-thirds (67%) of Oregonians believe that climate change is happening (Howe et al., 2015). ...

On Track for Climate

Today is the start of a big week for Oregon’s climate in the state legislature. Two bills now being considered could put Oregon on the path to clean air and a healthy climate future. We all know that our climate is changing. In fact, as far back as 2007, the Oregon Legislature adopted ambitious climate pollution reduction goals to protect our clean air, safeguard our shellfish and tourism industries, and reduce Oregon’s contribution to climate change, drought, and severe weather. But Oregon is not on track to meet these goals. This week, Oregon has the chance to get back on track and come clean on climate pollution. This week, lawmakers ...

From Paris, France to Prineville, OR: Collaboration Matters

This weekend, nearly all the nations in the world agreed to actions to avoid the most dangerous impacts of climate change. We in Oregon believe we should do our fair share to reduce emissions. That's why we've had an historic agreement to work with neighboring states to amp up our clean energy economy, create a clean fuels corridor, and limit and price climate pollution. We want Oregon to be the early bird that catches the worm--acting quickly helps us set the curve and reap enormous benefits--cleaner air, more economic opportunities for Oregon workers and businesses, and a stable climate for our natural resource-based state. We've worked with ...

Recap: Messages from Oregon’s Environmental Justice and Equity Leaders

By Rob Nathan, Director of Digital Engagement, NW Earth Institute,     CoChair for Environmental Professionals of Color PDX, and a member of OEC's Emerging Leaders Board   On November 5th, environmental leaders from across Oregon gathered at the new APANO (Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon) community space in SE Portland to attend OEC’s second installment of a three-part series on environmental justice (EJ). Andrea Durbin, OEC Executive Director, opened the evening with a message on why it is so important for organizations like OEC to listen and learn from environmental justice groups: to bring equity to a shared environmental ...

Progress on the Equity Front

… is bound to benefit Oregon’s environment in the future By: Danny Schaffer OEC is proud of its role in achieving cornerstone environmental legislation in 2015 – the reauthorization of the Clean Fuels Program and passage of the Toxic Free Kids Act. Not surprisingly, these innovative programs dominate OEC’s discussion of events in Salem. But also critical to environmental sustainability are the important steps by Oregon’s legislature to advance racial justice, health equity and the strengthening of families and communities. Environmental progress is intricately linked to equity and access. Full and equal citizen participation in ...

It’s Your Oregon member profile: Joseph Santos-Lyons

This profile is on Rev. Joseph Santos-Lyons, Executive Director of the Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon (APANO) and community minister. He talks about why he loves Oregon, the importance of environmental justice, and why climate change needs to be addressed on a state level.