14 results for tag: drinking water

Are Oregon’s schoolchildren drinking lead-laden water?

NOTE: Please see our updated Q&A to learn answers to common questions about the issue here. Anyone who interacts with a young child can see how quickly they learn. Kids absorb everything around them. But if there is the toxic heavy metal lead in their drinking water, what does that mean for their future? What does it mean for Oregon? As of March 2016, lead has been found in the drinking water of nearly a dozen Oregon Schools, some with levels up to twelve times the maximum amount allowed by current regulations (15 ppb). Just a couple days ago, lead was discovered in the drinking fountains at Beaverton Middle School. We know lead is ...

Introducing our 2016 legislative agenda

Oregon Environmental Council has been a leader in every legislative session since our founding in 1968. Our steady presence and our ability to forge consensus across party lines have led to creative and practical environmental protections. In 2016, OEC will once again be hard at work in Salem to protect Oregon’s environment and quality of life. Our priorities for this session include: The Clean Electricity & Coal Transition Plan (HB 4036) to transition Oregon off of coal-fired power while doubling the state’s commitment to new renewable energy to 50% The Healthy Climate Bill (SB 1574) to limit climate pollution and account for ...

What you should know about well water

If you are like more than 70% of Oregonians, some of your drinking water comes from wells and other groundwater sources. Approximately 23% of Oregonians rely on private wells as their primary source of water – to drink, to bathe in, and to cook their food. Yet this valuable water source can become contaminated. Earlier this month the Medford Mail Tribune took a deep look at one such contaminant affecting Jackson County: arsenic. Jackson County is not alone. Similar problems exist across the state, but for years state agencies have not had the resources to monitor groundwater quality, so there is little information about the extent of the ...

2015 Legislative Agenda

Our job protecting Oregon is never done, and we have important work to do in the coming year to keep our legacy growing. Here’s what we seek to accomplish during the 2015 Oregon legislative session. Clean Fuels Work (SB 324) OEC is pleased to say that as of mid-March, we've achieved one of our major goals, lifting the sunset on Oregon’s Clean Fuels Program, a program that is essential to growing our clean energy economy while giving consumers more and cheaper fuel choices that are better for our air and climate. Toxic Free Kids (SB 478) Chronic disease is on the rise. In order to protect the most vulnerable among us—infants and ...