6 results for tag: DEQ

Help Restore Oregon’s Climate Protection Program

The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) just released draft rules to restore Oregon’s cornerstone Climate Protection Program (CPP), kicking off a short public comment period. Help us restore the CPP and hold polluters accountable!  QUICK LINKS TO TAKE ACTION: -> Send this Letter to DEQ to Restore the CPP -> DEQ Comment Deadline - 9/27 by 4 PM -> Testify to DEQ - 9/26 at 3:20-5:20 PM - Testimony Prep -> More Info - ORClimateJustice.org The Climate Protection Program is vital to achieving our statewide climate pollution reduction goals and delivering justice for environmental justice communities statewide. It is essential ...

Oregon’s Climate Protection Program (CPP) Is Under Attack

Click here to read the latest news on the CPP. Editor's note: This article was updated on 7/31/2024 to reflect actions by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality. Oil and Gas Lawsuit Halts the Climate Protection Program In December of 2022, the oil and gas industry and their allies delivered a devastating blow to climate justice in Oregon.  The Oregon Court of Appeals invalidated Oregon’s landmark Climate Protection Program (CPP) based on a procedural technicality. The program was spearheaded (unsurprisingly) by the oil and gas industries most responsible for climate pollution in our state. The CPP represents a historic victory for ...

PFAS AKA “Forever Chemicals”

When we first wrote about PFAS in 2020 they were still relatively new in the public consciousness. Today, the full scope of these "forever chemicals" has come frighteningly into focus.

Waters Out of Whack

Harmful algae blooms are becoming more common. This is the story of 8 bodies of water in Oregon and the neighboring communities affected by toxic algae growth.

Safe Drinking Water

Where Do You Get Your Water? More than 70% of Oregonians get some of their drinking water from wells, and 23% of Oregonians rely on privately owned wells as their primary source of water. Yet in many parts of the state, this water is polluted. Thousands of Oregonians may be unknowingly drinking water that could lead to cancer, miscarriage and other serious health risks. The most common contaminants in well water are nitrate, bacteria, arsenic and pesticides. This contamination can come from failing septic tanks, fertilizers, livestock waste, and poorly constructed or maintained wells on a homeowner’s property or property nearby. Well ...

On the Resignation of DEQ Director Dick Pedersen:

The safety net we rely on to prevent dangerous pollution in our water, air and communities is torn. For many years, Oregon Environmental Council has called on the Department of Environmental Quality to fully enforce our anti-pollution laws and hold companies and local governments accountable for their pollution. We call on the Governor to appoint a Director of the DEQ who will prioritize the strong enforcement of our environmental laws and will bring attention to changes in the law that are needed to protect the health and well being of our families, our communities and our environment.  We also call on the Legislature to fully fund the DEQ, so ...