7 results for tag: clean energy jobs
Federal climate action paves the way for progress
OEC’s climate team breaks down the ins and outs of what Biden’s “Climate Day” means for Oregon
Call on Oregon leaders to move forward with Clean Energy Jobs
When the 2018 session ended, the immense public support and momentum of the Clean Energy Jobs bill helped shape an historic pathway to adoption in 2019.
Our leaders in Oregon's House and Senate created a first-of-a-kind committee to tackle carbon reduction and they approved dollars to pay for a Carbon Policy Office to inform the process and the public.
The new committee, the Joint Interim Committee On Carbon Reduction, is led by Senate President Courtney and House Speaker Kotek.
This summer, in just two meetings, lawmakers have heard from experts in science, economics and policy who have spoken about Oregon’s potential to draw down ...
Join us for a Statewide Day of Action
In the unprecedented world facing us, what’s the most powerful statement you can make? It’s showing up to say I care about protecting people, defending clean air and water, and giving our kids a better life. On Saturday, Nov. 4th, we all need to show up. Check it out.
Oregonians have been organizing for years. On November 4th, people across the state gather to show our legislators we can't wait any longer for a strong, equitable climate policy in Oregon.
If you’ve been looking for an excuse to get together with friends, enjoy a beverage and talk about shared values, then look no farther. Join Oregon Environmental Council, founding ...
Oregon’s 79th Legislative Session: The Halfway Point
Good news for Oregon Environmental Council: ALL of our efforts this session are alive (to some degree) and moving through committees. NOW is when your voice has power.
Rally for clean energy jobs and a prosperous Oregon
More than 160 Oregonians from across the state turned out in Salem this week to show support for SB 557, the Clean Energy Jobs bill.
This bill would cap and price pollution, hold polluters accountable for the climate destabilizing pollution they pump into our air and water, and invest in solutions to help Oregon transition to a clean energy economy.
The day began with a rally on the capitol steps, followed by a press conference and then hearing of the Senate Committee on Environment and Natural Resources.
The crowd packed the hearing room (and two overflow rooms) - representing scientists, clean energy workers, environmentalists, youth ...
Making Oregon a Clean Energy Leader: Renew Oregon
It's an exciting time for those who care about cleaner energy and healthier communities. In 2016 OEC took major initiative to make Oregon a leader in transitioning from dirty, polluting energy to a clean energy economy: we helped found Renew Oregon. Renew Oregon is the most powerful coalition ever assembled in our state to fight for climate protection.
Thanks to the continued support of our members, we are helping steer the Renew Oregon campaign to climate victory, starting with the passage of the Clean Electricity and Coal Transition Act, a first-of-its-kind law to transition off of polluting coal-fired power while simultaneously DOUBLING the ...
Building a Renewed Oregon: A Conversation with Thomas Wheatley
Renew Oregon is many things–an education campaign, a place for like minded Oregonians to come together–but ultimately Renew is a group of people who want a clean energy future for the state we love.
As the Climate Communications & Outreach Manager for Oregon Environmental Council, I work closely with the Renew Oregon team. The team is aflutter with activity–whether they’re live-tweeting hearings in Salem, meeting with businesses and individuals who support a new direction for the state, or interviewing Oregonians to learn why they care about climate action–Renew Oregon is busy building a movement. It’s an inspiring thing to ...