Smart Water Management

Ensuring reliable water for people, farms and fish

The problem: 

  • Climate change is bringing Oregonians more drought years and less snowpack to recharge our water systems – leaving our drinking water, food production and fish populations at risk.
  • Across the state, wells and streams are already going dry at critical times of year because more water has been promised to people, agriculture and ecosystems than nature can provide.
  • Fewer than 20% of water right holders (larger water permits for agricultural, industrial and municipal uses) measure and keep track of how much water they withdraw from rivers and from the ground.

The solution:

  • Oregon needs to catch up to our neighbors and start accounting for how much water we have and how quickly it is being consumed.
  • Sound data is the foundation of smart water management – making critical water decisions without a clear understanding of our groundwater resources and overall water spending hurts all Oregonians.
  • Measurement devices help water users increase efficiencies in their business operations and self-manage their water needs.
  • If we invest now, we can strengthen the State’s ability to better balance efforts to ensure water sustainability for current and future generations.

2017 Smart Water Management Plan

HB 2705: Measure our water use.
HB 2706: Ensure stable funding for critical management services.
HB 2707: Identify where and how much groundwater is available.

Download a fact sheet to learn more about the bills.

Take action:

Even as we experience one of the wettest winters in a decade, the future of Oregon’s water resources is uncertain, and NOW is the time to speak up.
