Portland Addresses Climate Change through Action Plan

With the release of a new 2015 Climate Action Plan, the City of Portland and Multnomah County are giving us a chance to think globally, but act locally. And they want your input on it. The draft plan provides a roadmap for our community to achieve an 80 percent reduction in carbon emissions by 2050, with an interim goal of a 40 percent reduction by 2030. We know it’s possible; through enacting recommendations in their previous action plans we’ve cut carbon emissions by 14 percent since 1990, even though our population has grown by 30 percent. And, we’ve added over 75,000 more jobs during that same time. In per-person terms, that means each Portlander produces 35 percent less carbon than they did in 1990. But we still have more work to do.

2015-CAP-SliderThe investments that have helped cut the City of Roses carbon emissions have also improved our local quality of life, through the creation of walkable neighborhoods, investment in transit and bike facilities, protection and restoration of natural areas, and working to make our homes and buildings more efficient and comfortable.

The 2015 draft plan builds on Portland’s 20-plus year legacy of climate action with ambitious new policies, fresh research and incorporating the voices of community leaders serving low-income households and communities of color. This helps ensure that all Portlanders will benefit from City and County climate efforts.

You can download a copy of the full draft plan or even just specific chapters here. This is where the City and County need your feedback. To comment, simply fill out this survey by April 10, 2015.

You can also learn more about the plan and provide comment at one of the 2015 Climate Action Plan open house events:

  • March 19th at the Velo Cult Bike Shop (5:30 to 7:30PM, 1969 NE 42nd Ave.)
  • March 24th at the June Key Delta Community Center (5:30 to 7:30 PM, 5940 North Albina St.)

Please take a moment to share this blog post. If you live in Multnomah County, you have a direct stake in this. If you live outside the Multnomah County, use this plan as roadmap to encourage your own local elected officials to develop a climate action plan in your area. It’s your Oregon. Help shape a positive, healthy, stable vision of our shared future.

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2 Replies to "Portland Addresses Climate Change through Action Plan"

  • Margaret Smith
    March 11, 2015 (9:09 pm)

    I think Portland and the region should be very proud of what they have done in response to climate change. If you look back at the older reports they are on target with their goals. My only suggestion would be that it’s time to think bigger. Transportation is a big problem for the future so we should consider making downtown Portland and 23rd and 21st Streets in Northwest Portland auto free zones with mass transit along promenade type streets. There’s plenty to figure out but it’s a bold idea and would get people used to the idea. When the Transit Mall was build in the late 70’s it was a huge inconvenience but look at the long term value. Same thing with our airport. PDX was a mess for years but now we have a beautiful airport that we are all proud of. It’s time for some big brain thinking for big changes.

    • Devon Downeysmith
      March 11, 2015 (9:12 pm)

      These are great ideas! Won’t you share them with Multnomah County, too? You can add your comments on the draft Climate Action Plan here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/KS32FZV