
About Max

Max Light-Pacheco is the Community Engagement Manager for Oregon Environmental Council

Max (he/him) leverages his knowledge of the natural world and community engagement to address the disconnection between humans and the environment. He attended the University of California, Davis, where he gained experience in conservation and community building through various roles, including his involvement in the Delta Lambda Phi fraternity, a resident advisor position, and internships such as the UC Davis Wood Duck Project. After earning a Bachelor of Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology with an American Studies minor, Max joined an Americorps program at Galena Creek Visitor Center in Reno, Nevada, where he educated the public about the Great Basin and Sierra Nevada mountain range.

This experience led to a role as a Volunteer Coordinator for the Phoenix Zoo, where Max managed an event volunteer program of over 1,000 volunteers annually and supported youth and adult programs. He also developed educational initiatives and volunteered with the Phoenix Zoo Ambassador Animal program. During his time at the zoo, Max created a conservation book club and presented its impact on community and environmental literacy at the 2019 Association of Zoos and Aquariums Annual Conference.

Max later engaged his passion for Queer community building as the Volunteer and In-Kind Donation Specialist for one•n•ten, an Arizona-based nonprofit. Before joining OEC, he worked at The Nature Conservancy as Oregon’s Volunteer and Community Engagement Specialist, leading initiatives to strengthen organizational partnerships and public engagement in conservation efforts.

In his free time, Max is spending time with friends at the beach, playing Beyoncé and Kylie Minogue while reading a book, taking photos, or planning his next trip.

I Work to Protect Oregon Because…

As a state with an incredible diversity of habitats and high biodiversity paired with a community ready to make a difference, Oregon is uniquely positioned to be a leader in environmental protection. We have a responsibility to use the resources of our government, businesses, and one another to address key environmental and social issues which threaten all Oregon life. We need to address the legacy of settler colonialism, white supremacy, and other systems of oppression in Oregon which has led to environmental impacts for all, but have especially harmed BIPOC, Queer, Disabled, and immigrant communities and women.

How to Contact Max:

Phone: (971) 353-7965