Oregon Environmental Council is proud to endorse the Nature For All ballot measure, put forward by Oregon Metro.
OEC strongly supports maintaining this bond funding to support the critical local investments in our clean water, improved habitat, access to greenspace, and key involvement of communities across the region.
In 1992 the region first approved the Metropolitan Greenspaces Master Plan to create a blueprint for how we use our parks, trails, and natural areas. Since then, voters have approved bond measures in 1995 and 2006 to invest in the protection and preservation of our natural spaces, improve access to trails and recreation, and improve water quality across the region.
In 2013, voters approved a 5 year local option levy, which was renewed in 2016, to fund additional habitat restoration, improve existing parks, and prioritize increasing access for underserved communities.
This 2019 bond will maintain the current tax rate of $0.19/1,000 of assessed value, to [continue funding Metro’s management work of the parks system].
New this year is the distinct criteria that projects help reduce the impacts of climate change and support implementation of Metro’s Strategic Plan to Advance Racial Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.
We encourage a YES vote on Measure 26-203 on November 5th!
As we eagerly await the release of the final rules for Oregon’s Climate Protection Program (CPP), OEC and our partners in the Coalition for Climate and Economic Justice extend a sincere “Thank YOU” to everyone who took the time to submit public comments to help restore this vital program.
Together, we’ve taken critical, local action in the glo
OEC is thrilled to be featured in KGW’s Good Energy, a partnership with OnPoint that’s all about the benefits of clean transportation, converting to clean renewable energy, and supporting organizations that are committed to protecting Oregon’s environment. The OEC Team had a blast riding e-bikes, sharing our work on EVs, and leading a green cleaning workshop with the OnPoint Team!
Guest blog by ELB Member Jessie KochaverBetween planning three awesome events coming up this fall (don’t miss the details at the bottom of this page!) and exploring Oregon’s incredible natural places, OEC’s newest Emerging Leaders
Maria is OEC’s 2022 summer Marketing and Membership Development Intern through The Contingent’s Emerging Leaders Internship (ELI) program. ELI removes barriers to access by connecting talented students of color with leadership-track, paid internships at top companies throughout the Greater Por
One of OEC’s newest members, Greyson, will be 30 in 2040, when Oregon transitions to 100% renewable electricity, fuels produced in-state will be more eco-friendly than ever, and climate pollution from oil and fossil-fuel gas utilities will be cut almost 90%!
At OEC, we believe that a high-quality transportation system is one that offers people healthy and safe choices to meet their transportation needs. Electric bicycles and other kinds of small electric mobility devices, like scooters and skateboards, are potentially transformative because they can meet many of the same needs as a car, but with fewer costs, and a lot less
July 16, 2021
Governor Kate Brown
Office of the Governor
900 Court Street NE, Suite 254
Salem, OR 97301-4047
Director Richard Whitman
Department of Environmental Quality
700 NE Multnomah St. Suite 600
Portland, OR 97232
Cc: Chair
July 14, 2021
Oregon Transportation Commission
355 Capitol Street, NE MS 11
Salem, Oregon 97301
Dear Chair Van Brocklin and members of the Oregon Transportation Commission:
Our organizations write this letter as communities around the state are reporting dozens of deaths in the wake of a record-breaking heatwave while preparing for another summer and fall of destructive wildfires. Climate change is already bringing enormous human suffering to
As Oregon emerges from 16 months of shut downs and people begin to return to stores and restaurants with a sense of safety, we at OEC want to bring some more good news for the Summer. We are thrilled to have been chosen as the Impact Partner for the next 6 months with a local Portland, OR boutique called Foundation: Fashion and Philanthropy.
Jim Sjulin
October 8, 2019 (4:30 am)
Election is on Tuesday, November 5th (not November 8th).