Going Coal-Free for a Cooler Oregon
Oregon Environmental Council played a leading role in passing historic legislation in 2016 to transition our state off of coal-fired power and increase our renewable portfolio standard. Through the passage of the Clean Electricity and Coal Transition bill, Oregon became the first state EVER to take legislative action to go coal-free and, once fully implemented, will have one of the cleanest electricity mixes in the WORLD.
But how exactly does this bill work? What role do the utilities play? Will our rates be affected? And how exactly will this bill pressure coal plants to close? These questions were recently addressed in a webinar for our members facilitated by some of those who worked closely behind the scenes to make Oregon go coal-free, including:
- Jana Gastellum, Climate Program Director, Oregon Environmental Council
- Kristen Sheeran, Oregon Director, Climate Solutions
- Representative Jessica Vega Pederson (D – District 47)
- Moderated by: Devon Downeysmith, Climate Communications and Outreach Manager, Oregon Environmental Council
If you couldn’t join us, the webinar can be enjoyed below. Please view, share and sign-up for our Grassroots Action & Information Network (G.A.I.N) so you can act on behalf of Oregon’s climate!