Your Voice. Your Vote. Your Planet

It’s that time of year again. Election season always seems to creep up quickly and navigating important deadlines, candidate debates, and ballot measure information can be tricky. But voting in Oregon is one of THE most important actions one can take, not only for our environment but for the stability of democracy and our collective future. This page has key information needed to make a difference this November 8th! 

Why Vote?

We need elected officials at every level of government to protect our environment and fight for a stable climate, clean air and water, and healthy and equitable communities for today and tomorrow. 

In the past few years, we’ve seen immense progress in reducing Oregon’s climate pollution, transitioning our transportation system to cleaner fuels, gleaning information on the state of water in Oregon, and protecting frontline workers from the worst climate impacts. This has all been possible with the support of elected leaders who share values that matter to a majority of Oregonians. (A majority of people in every county in Oregon believe that climate change is happening and is harming people.) The point is, the leaders in office matter to our ability to protect Oregon’s environment and the communities that thrive here. 

Voting is our best bet to ensure that federal, state, and local government leaders adopt the policies necessary to transition towards a clean energy economy, resilient water management, a toxic-free future, and clean and just transportation systems.  

With our collective future at stake, the single most important action that any person can take to protect our climate, our planet, and our future is to VOTE.

What’s Next?

Now, there are important dates approaching for our 2022 November 8th election, now is the time to make a voting plan, talk to your friends and family, and GET OUT THE VOTE!

Here’s what you need to know to vote in Oregon in 2022:

  1. Register to Vote: Are you registered? Is your address correct? It’s easy to check your voter registration status here. If you’re not yet registered in Oregon, it takes less than 5 minutes! Go here by October 18th to get registered to vote in Oregon
  2. Get your ballot: All ballots should have been mailed to registered voters in Oregon by now. If you do not receive your ballot by Oct. 25, you can check its status here or call your local elections office
  3. Do your homework: Not sure of a candidate’s environmental record? Check out these handy League of Conservation Voters scorecards to help you decide who to support in the Oregon legislature and in Congress.
  4. Phone a friend: This election is critical to the future of our planet and our communities. Once your ballot is signed, sealed, and delivered, take a moment to remind a friend or family member to vote and help them make a plan.
  5. Return your ballot: Your ballot must be postmarked by November 8th at 8 pm to be valid. Don’t wait until the last minute. Mark a day or two before on your calendar and make sure your ballot is signed! Search for your nearest drop box location here. After you drop your ballot in the mail, you can track its status here.
  6. Election Day! Because ballots will be in the mail on election day, final results will not always be known for a few days following November 8th! Be patient, and know this normal and part of the process. 

For more resources to help shape your voting plan, check out the Oregon Secretary of State’s website

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