What does one of our members from Eugene think of lobby days with OEC?

Evergreen Membership Spotlight – June 2020

We were recently able to connect with one of our Evergreen Members and ask some questions regarding her experience with OEC. Eugene resident Sarah Mazze became a member of OEC 11 years ago. Her first memories with OEC happened as a volunteer in 2009 during a lobby day at the capital. Through her experiences, she was able to see the behind the scenes organizing OEC did that is crucial to policy-making in Oregon. Due to OEC’s valuable programmatic offerings, Sarah decided to become a member.

One of Sarah’s favorite membership experiences was when she participated in a Lobby Day. The day consisted of a few hundred-people getting together and learning the issues that OEC was focusing on. Once the volunteers felt knowledgeable about the issues and empowered to make a change, they split up into local groups to hone in on specifics. In Sarah’s opinion, OEC did the leg work that gave the group the education to make a difference.

When asked where her favorite place in Oregon is, although it was hard to choose, Sarah’s favorite place is the Three Sisters Wilderness. She first enjoyed its beauty as a teen, backpacking for a lengthy period of time after she moved to the state from California. It is not only beautiful but one of the first connections that she felt with the wilderness landscape. In her opinion, if people care about environmental issues, people can have a big impact at the state level. Supporting OEC is supporting an organization that is doing behind the scenes work to move us forward on issues related to the environment. OEC also helps engage community members to feel educated and empowered.

If you would like to become a member, or specifically an Evergreen Member like Sarah, head on over to our donate page. In case you haven’t heard, our Spring Challenge Match is well underway. A generous donor has offered to match any gifts dollar-for-dollar up to $25,000. This means if you donate today your gift will go twice as far! Please help us make the final push to raise $50,000 in support of clean air, plentiful and clean water, and a climate-resilient future for our home.

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