E-bikes: rules of the road & why we love ’em
When it comes to the rules of the road, e-bikes occupy a legal space between bicycles and motor vehicles. That’s why we’re excited to share Oregon E-Bike Rights: A Legal Guide for Electric Bike Riders published August 2018 by the firm Thomas, Coon, Newton & Frost.
“Sometimes treated by law as a bicycle, sometimes as a motor vehicle, the bicycle with a battery powered electric motor has created a legal hybrid that defies easy and logical categorization … For many riders an electric bicycle creates opportunities to travel places that would be unreachable on a regular bicycle because of advancing age, injury or other physical limitations. The battery operated electric motor provides these opportunities without the power, noise, erosion and pollution associated with gasoline-powered engines.”
Oregon Environmental Council Highlights TCNF E-Bike Booklet - OregonBikeLaw.com | OregonBikeLaw.com
September 15, 2018 (12:12 am)
[…] Environmental Council (OEC) recently published an article called “E-Bikes: Rules of the Road & Why We Love ‘Em.” Their post highlights the benefits, joys, and convenience of incorporating an e-bike into […]
CERO Changing Lives: A Story of Empowerment Through Biking – CERO
September 27, 2018 (6:02 pm)
[…] we found out about a story on the Oregon Environmental Council’s website about Martine, a wonderful woman in Oregon who […]