Dirty Energy, Dirty Money: Forum on Finance Reform Tours Oregon
We like to think we are special, that we live in a bubble, but Oregon is not immune. Big money is influencing politics and has intersected with environmental policies here in Oregon. Our campaign finance system is broken and that has affected Oregon’s efforts to protect our environment (read more about Big Oil money in Oregon’s political system here).
OEC is excited to support Common Cause’s statewide forum to present research findings on Big Oil’s influence during Oregon’s 2015 state legislative session. Participants will hear from presenters on what it is like to be on the ground actually fighting big energy money to try and pass environmental reforms and discuss what we can do as Oregonians to defend our environment from big money influence.
This event is free and open to the public. Tour stops will take place in various cities throughout the state; find the nearest event to to you here; doors open for each event at 6:30pm and events begin at 7:
Date: June 15th
Location: AFSCME Office on Tandem Avenue
Moderator: Lena Spadacene (Oregon Wild)
Panel: Nick Abraham (Oil Check NW), Angela Crowley-Koch (Oregon Environmental Council), Political Science Professor Edwin Dover (Western Oregon University), and Daniel Lewkow (Common Cause Oregon)
Date: June 21st
Location: Unitarian Universalist Church-Eugene
Moderator: Lynda Lynch (League of Women Voters of Lane County)
Panel: Lane County Commissioner Pete Sorenson, Lisa Arkin (Beyond Toxics), Angela Crowley-Koch (Oregon Environmental Council), and Daniel Lewkow (Common Cause Oregon)
Date: June 22nd
Location: Unitarian Universalist Church-Bend
Moderator: TBD
Panel: Nikki Roemer (OLCV), Daniel Lewkow (Common Cause Oregon), Democracy Position #2 TBD, Environmental Position #2 TBD
Date: June 23rd
Location: Ace Auditorium, Southern Oregon University
Moderator: TBD
Panel: State Representative Peter Buckley, David Hyde (Move to Amend), Daniel Lewkow (Common Cause Oregon), Environmental Position #2 TBD
Date: June 27th
Location: Unitarian Universalist Church-Portland
Moderator: Jefferson Smith (xray.fm)
Panel: Nick Abraham (Oil Check NW), Angela Crowley-Koch (Oregon Environmental Council), Nikki Fisher (The Bus Project), and Daniel Lewkow (Common Cause Oregon)
Date: June 29th
Location: St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church
Moderator: TBD
Panel: Nick Abraham (Oil Check NW), Angela Crowley-Koch (Oregon Environmental Council), Democracy Position #2 TBD, and Daniel Lewkow (Common Cause Oregon)