On September 21, New York City will host the largest climate march in history, as world leaders gather there for a climate meeting. Solidarity events are planned in Africa, Europe, Asia, and all across the U.S. including Oregon. Read more →
Sign up for the Northwest Earth Institute’s Eco-challenge.
If you’ve always meant to write to your legislators or write a letter to the editor and haven’t yet made the move, this may be the challenge for you! OEC and the Northwest Earth Institute invite you to take on the EcoChallenge this October and spend two weeks creating a new habit that’s good for you and the planet. This year, OEC helped them create a “civic engagement” category of suggestions. Read more →
Local business voices can have powerful sway in the legislature. That’s why we’re asking local businesses to declare their support for climate action. See if your local companies have signed the declaration, and if not, recruit their support! Read more →
Oregon’s Governor Kitzhaber has joined other Pacific Coast states to commit to real climate action; but we need Oregon Legislature to take bold action, too. Take a moment to learn how we can start with cleaner fuels and other ways to shift into a carbon-pollution-cutting economy, and then contact the people you elected and tell them what you think!. Read more →
Oregon just scored a major environmental victory! In a unanimous vote, the Environmental Quality Commission (ECQ) adopted the newly revised Climate Protection Program, reinstating the landmark policy at a time when climate action is critical. This marks the most significant climate action taken in the wake of the federal election. Now, Oregon’s most influential climate policy is back on the bo
As we eagerly await the release of the final rules for Oregon’s Climate Protection Program (CPP), OEC and our partners in the Coalition for Climate and Economic Justice extend a sincere “Thank YOU” to everyone who took the time to submit public comments to help restore this vital program.
Together, we’ve taken critical, local action in the glo
The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) just released draft rules to restore Oregon’s cornerstone Climate Protection Program (CPP), kicking off a short public comment period. Help us restore the CPP and hold polluters accountable!
-> Send this Letter to DEQ to Restore the C
Gazing at the downtown skyline of Portland? Rushing through PDX to catch a flight? Lost in the Silicon Forest? You probably aren’t thinking about how to reduce climate emissions. But Oregon’s large office, high-tech and public buildings are one of Oregon’s best opportunities to meet our climate goals by addressing our second largest source of greenhouse gas emissions.That’s because the overall “carbon footprint” of
A few years ago, the prospect of Oregon taking meaningful action on climate was dim. Republicans had just fled the capital to prevent the elected majority of state leaders from moving forward with a vote (a tactic now widely condemned by Oregon voters via Measure 113), effectively
The 2023 legislative session presents a vital opportunity to make progress in achieving our climate goals and protect families and communities from ever-worsening climate impacts. OEC is excited to support a “Building Resilience” policy package this session that will cut pollution and increase the climate resilience of our homes and buildings
Industry plaintiffs brought two claims against rules to protect workers in Oregon from the harmful and dangerous impacts of exposure to heat and smoke. Both suits were dismissed “with prejudice” which means they were dismissed permanently and cannot be brought to Court again.
On December 20, 2022, the U.S. District Court in Medford dismissed