Corinne Handelman

Corinne believes in fighting for the issues that matter to Oregonians. And as a member of Oregon Environmental Council, she’s working for real change. She was drawn to Oregon for the high quality of life and opportunity for outdoor exploration. Since moving here in 2011, her appreciation for Oregon’s landscapes has deepened.

“Every corner of Oregon is unique—from our deep, lush old growth forests in the Cascades, to the publicly-accessible coastline, to our rugged high desert, and deep river valleys.”

Corinne standing at the South Sister summit in Central Oregon.

Corinne first started working with Oregon Environmental Council back in 2012, collecting signatures for the Toxic Free Kids Act. More recently, she served on the Emerging Leaders Board from 2015-2018. As a board member, she helped to create a more equitable agenda for Oregon Environmental Council, and she worked on the Time is Now video, narrated by Cheryl Strayed.

During her service on OEC’s ELB, Corinne met some of the most interesting changemakers in our state. She sees that Oregon Environmental Council fills a unique niche — bridging grassroots efforts with policy change.

“Oregon Environmental Council shows that together, our voices can make a difference to elected officials to enact the type of top-down change necessary.”

Corinne champions the idea that each of us can make a difference, working together. She is also and is passionate about communicating science to public audiences. She works as Outreach Coordinator at the Oregon Natural Desert Association.

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