Clean Energy Jobs energizes lawmakers

Legislative Days wrapped up this month. More than a decade of hard work continues for our state leaders who are crafting the final touches of the Clean Energy Jobs proposal for 2018.

Oregonians continue to support our champions working to create innovative programs. Since September, four legislative work groups have each held meetings filled with hundreds of observers and participants from a variety of interests. Business, equity, environmental, tribal, rural and so many other advocates have helped lawmakers continue to craft this bipartisan proposal.

As 2017 wraps up, legislators and state officials are using three-month’s worth of discussion and stakeholder input to finalize the program and plan on releasing summaries of the bill in the next couple months.

Media stories, editorials and guest opinion pieces say it all.

The Statesman Journal called the Clean Energy Jobs bill next year’s “hottest” issue (pun intended?) in the 2018 legislative session. This week, Eugene mayors, past and present, said the Clean Energy Jobs bill seizes “opportunities to create jobs and industries that would not only provide better livelihoods but will make the environment healthier for everybody who lives here.”

Before heading to the global climate talks in Bonn, Germany, Gov. Kate Brown told OPB that “Oregon is a small state. We’re only four million people, and our ability to work with states like Washington and California — and frankly the (Canadian) province of British Columbia — enables us to move further and faster.”

The East Oregonian reported earlier this month that residents told House and Senate members in Pendleton they were concerned about climate change and hoped lawmakers would work together.

Guest opinion pieces also show support, and they can be found all over the state. Newspapers have published 18 op-eds since Oct. 20 in support of the Clean Energy Jobs bill. Authors have shared impacts to our health, our economy and potential investment impacts, our tribal and faith communities, and so much more.

Clean Energy Jobs bill will put state on right path

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Oregon governor should confront climate change in ways that help economy, as well as environment

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To invest in a strong country, invest in clean energy jobs

Clean Energy Jobs can help displaced paper mill workers regain their footing

Clean Energy Jobs bill will grow Oregon’s economy and reduce reliance on external resources

A vote for clean-energy jobs is a vote for Oregon’s future

Honor the ‘Laudato Si’ encyclical, Protect our climate with clean energy jobs

Clean energy bill would strengthen economy

Clean energy bill to help rural communities and tribes

Clean-energy jobs are a vote for future

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Clean Energy Jobs: a no-regrets solution

Clean Energy Jobs bill = healthy kids, communities

Clean Energy Jobs will help rural communities and tribes

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