Future’s So Bright Gotta Wear Shades! Celebrating a Coal-Free Oregon
Our small state is doing big things, and making national (and even international) headlines for it! Oregon recently became the first state EVER to take legislative action to go coal-free. Oregon Environmental Council was proud to work on this legislation, and because of it, our state’s electricity grid will transition off of coal-fired power by 2035. Even more exciting is that this power will be replaced with clean, renewable energy, creating local jobs that can’t be outsourced and putting Oregon on a path to having one of the cleanest energy mixes in the WORLD. So put on your sunglasses Oregon, because the future looks bright! Check out our video celebrating the victory of a coal-free Oregon:
How else do we love thee, oh coal-free Oregon? Let us count the ways…
- A mountain of carbon reductions. The carbon reductions from this bill are real, measurable and substantial. The two utilities estimate (very conservatively, we might add) that the policy will reduce Oregon’s carbon pollution by 30 million metric tons. That’s the equivalent of taking 6.4 MILLION cars off the road.
- Oregon leading, big time: 50% renewable energy + existing hydropower = Oregon will have one of the cleanest electricity grids on the planet. ‘Nuf said.
- Republicans and Democrats, oh my: This bill passed the Oregon House twice with significant bipartisan support. It demonstrates that protecting the state we love does not have to be a partisan issue.
- Skip the gas station, I’m all charged up: Transitioning to electric vehicles is one of the most important things we can do to address climate change. This bill helps expand the charging infrastructure that our state needs for electric vehicles. Read more about that hidden gem of the Coal Transition bill here.
- Community solar: The bill includes an innovative program so people can get access to solar energy even if they can’t put solar panels up on the place where they live.
If you need even more reasons to love a coal-free Oregon, be sure to check back as we explore specific provisions of the bill, from the small-scale renewables portion, to the 50% RPS and more! And sign-up for our Grassroots Action & Information Network (G.A.I.N) to be alerted to timely ways you can speak up and help act on climate.
Oregon Environmental Council | Governor Kate Brown Acknowledges OEC Work in State of the State Address
March 19, 2018 (10:19 pm)
[…] The Clean Electricity & Coal Transition Bill will transition Oregon’s electricity off of coal-fired power and double our use of clean energy, mandating that 50% of our electricity must come from renewable sources by 2040. This change, combined with our existing hydropower, will give us one of the cleanest power mixes in the nation, if not the world.Governor Brown stated: “Perhaps best of all, just a few weeks ago, I approved the nation’s first ‘coal to clean’ law that gives Oregon a vision for a future free of coal-powered electricity. Although we are still not on track to meet our greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets, we are heading in the right direction. Future generations of Oregonians will judge this generation not on the fact of climate change, but how we responded to it. And I am not about to let them down.” […]