Oregon Environmental Council’s voting guide for 2018 ballot measures

At Oregon Environmental Council, we believe civic engagement is important. Just as important as supporting healthy communities for Oregon's future. That's why we're taking a stand on these important ballot measures for the 2018 election. Don't forget to vote on NOVEMBER 6, 2018!     NO ON MEASURE 103 This constitutional amendment would permanently block taxes on so-called “groceries” and is so broadly written that it would exempt a wide range of transactions (e.g., food processing, trucking, fast food chains) from any taxes or fees. As one example, ...

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Nate Wallace

Nate Wallace joined the Emerging Leaders Board in 2018. He is excited to help Oregon Environmetal Council protect the land he loves. Nate grew up in Portland and developed a reverence for nature on family camping trips and excursions.   “Oregon is unbelievably beautiful and varied. It’s really important to try to preserve it. We need to be put policies in place that are protecting the Environment, which is one of the things that drew me to Oregon Environmental Council." Nate now works as a fisheries biologist for the Oregon Department of Fish and ...

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Better transit: Keeping Oregon Moving

Oregonians will soon have more bus service, thanks to a first-time stable, significant and statewide source of funding for public transit (part of the 2017 "Keep Oregon Moving" transportation package championed by Oregon Environmental Council and our allies). From Kayak Public Transit serving the Pendleton-Umatilla area to RVTD serving the Rogue Valley, from Ride the Wave serving Tillamook County to CET serving the Bend area, transit agencies large and small are planning new and enhanced service that will make transit a desirable lifestyle choice, better serve the ...

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Supreme Court ruling will help Oregonians buy more electric cars

The Oregon Supreme Court delivered a ruling today that clears the way to help thousands of Oregonians, including low-income families, buy electric cars with the help of state rebates. Learn how to apply for an EV rebate! “These rebates will help Oregonians breathe easier knowing that many more families will be able to afford clean cars that emit no pollution,” said Oregon Environmental Council Deputy Director Chris Hagerbaumer. “We hope that as Oregonians see more electric cars on the road, they’ll be inspired to learn about state incentives aimed at ...

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United against an anti-immigrant ballot measure

Fear is not a healthy environment—and hate is not an environmental solution. An anti-immigrant group in Oregon was able to gather enough signatures to qualify Measure 105 for Oregon’s November ballot last week. The group has been preying on fears of water scarcity, pollution and global warming to promote anti-immigrant actions like this one. Measure 105 would overturn Oregon’s sanctuary law that has worked for 30 years. It would divert police and taxpayer dollars for the police away from community safety, including environmental safety. It would direct police ...

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Call on Oregon leaders to move forward with Clean Energy Jobs

When the 2018 session ended, the immense public support and momentum of the Clean Energy Jobs bill helped shape an historic pathway to adoption in 2019. Our leaders in Oregon's House and Senate created a first-of-a-kind committee to tackle carbon reduction and they approved dollars to pay for a Carbon Policy Office to inform the process and the public. The new committee, the Joint Interim Committee On Carbon Reduction, is led by Senate President Courtney and House Speaker Kotek. This summer, in just two meetings, lawmakers have heard from experts in science, ...

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Time to wine down the Oregon Electric Byway

Being able to access Oregon's public lands is essential to me, and without owning a car, it can be challenging.

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Jars full of air and other lessons

By Sabrina Cerquera, Environmental Health Intern “If you want to learn about the health of a population, look at the air they breathe, the water they drink, and the places where they live.” — Hippocrates As an environmental studies and political science student at Lewis & Clark College, I held this ancient quote in the forefront of my mind to remind me of two things: we all share the same land, air and water; and we must reflect on the past in order to move forward with change. In the past six weeks, I’ve had the opportunity to put these theories, as ...

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Vigilance must remain, despite departure of EPA chief

When Scott Pruitt was first appointed to head the Environmental Protection Agency, I was asked in an interview with Jefferson Public Radio whether he was really the worst ever pick for the agency. I replied “yes.” But even then, I could hardly imagine the damage the now former EPA chief would do. While ignoring decades of scientific research, Scott Pruitt gutted proposed rules for reviewing chemical safety (while rubber-stamping hundreds of new chemicals); rolled back a regulation that requires factories to run their air pollution control systems; was instrumental ...

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Green Trivia Night

Join the Emerging Leaders of Oregon Environmental Council and test your environmental know-how! WHEN: Thursday, August 2 at 6:30 PM - 9 PM WHERE: Migration Brewing, 2828 NE Glisan St, Portland, OR 97232 Think you know your stuff when it comes to Oregon & the outdoors? What about environmental policies that have shaped our state? Our state bird? The most common insect? How clean is our air compared to other states? Go up against other environmental nonprofits, law firms, businesses, friend groups and families and more at Green Trivia Night hosted by Oregon ...

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