43 results for author: Jamie Pang

Update: OR OSHA publishes final rules governing the right to refuse dangerous work

Earlier this year, OEC and partners helped win a bill to give workers the right to refuse hazardous work (SB 907). We stayed at the table and provided information on how Oregon OSHA should carry out the intent of the law. While we are disappointed that the rules are missing some key points of clarity around extreme heat, smoke, and other environmental threats, OEC and our partners plan to ramp up education and outreach to ensure workers understand their rights.

Summer Heat, OR OSHA’s Heat and Smoke Rules, and the Right to Refuse Dangerous Work

OEC is advocating for the strong rollout of Oregon’s new Right to Refuse Dangerous Work law which was signed by the Governor in May of 2023.

Huge Wins for Public Health! Oregon Lawmakers Act to Keep Toxic Chemicals Out of Cosmetics and Kids’ Products

In a resounding victory for the health and well-being of Oregonians, Oregon Environmental Council and coalition partners successfully advocated for the passage of two crucial environmental health bills in the 2023 legislative session.

The Right to Refuse Dangerous Work: Another Victory for Worker Safety in a Warming Climate

As advocates for farmworkers, who endure intense manual labor in hazardous conditions such as pesticides, extreme heat, and smoke, PCUN recognizes SB 907 as a crucial stride towards safeguarding their well-being.

Childrens’ Health Bill Endangered by Senate Walkout

After 3 months of negotiations, HB 3043 is currently awaiting a vote in front of the Senate floor.

It’s National Public Health Week. Let’s tackle toxic chemicals!

This post was co-authored by Lisa Arkin, Executive Director, Beyond Toxics It’s National Public Health Week. Let’s tackle toxic chemicals! Every child deserves a safe environment to grow in that allows them to become strong and healthy and develop to their full potential. During National Public Health Week, it's important to draw attention to the health impacts and risks from toxic chemicals in products and the places where children live, learn and play. It is now estimated that 10 million synthetic chemicals are added to the marketplace every year. They range from the chemicals in plastic toys, pesticides on our lawns and school grounds, and ...

Climate Protection Win for Oregon Workers

Industry plaintiffs brought two claims against rules to protect workers in Oregon from the harmful and dangerous impacts of exposure to heat and smoke. Both suits were dismissed “with prejudice” which means they were dismissed permanently and cannot be brought to Court again.   On December 20, 2022, the U.S. District Court in Medford dismissed a lawsuit brought by Oregon Manufacturers and Commerce, Associated Oregon Loggers Inc., and the Oregon Forest Industries Council. The suit was intended to roll back a set of rules that Oregon OSHA put in place in June 2022 - at the urging of OEC and partners – to provide Oregon workers with ...

Prioritizing Children’s Health in Kid’s Products

Toxic chemicals that harm health should not be in our kids' products. But they are. Thousands of chemicals lurk in products our kids use every day and children are far more vulnerable to toxics than adults due to their smaller size and developing organs. Even worse, the most recent studies show that new chemical compounds are produced at a rate of 10 million per year, which translates to nearly 1,000 new chemicals synthesized every hour. In 2015, OEC led the advocacy work to pass the historic Toxic Free Kids Act (TFKA), requiring manufacturers of children’s products to disclose — and eventually phase out — the worst chemicals of concern for ...

Personal Care Products Should Not Be Toxic

Updated on January 23, 2023 Consumers want to believe that their favorite brands of makeup, toiletries, and other personal care products are safe. But in reality, most of these products contain unregulated chemicals known to be toxic when ingested, inhaled, or absorbed through the skin. It is estimated that there are over 10,000 chemicals in the beauty market today. OEC conducted a survey amongst university women in 2011 (“What’s in My Makeup Bag?”) and concluded that, at that time, the average woman in Oregon was using about 10 different products a day. Unfortunately, due to beauty standards in the age of social media, that number has only ...

Tell outdoor retailer REI to take toxic ‘forever chemicals’ out of their apparel!

Editors Note: Thanks in part to the hard work of OEC, the support of our members, and the advocacy of like-minded organizations, REI committed to ending the sale of products with PFAS by 2026. Checkout OEC's blog below for a snapshot of our 2022 campaign pressing the retailer to abandon these toxic products. --- From waterproof jackets to boots, outdoor gear sold at REI and other retailers like Columbia Sportswear contains ‘forever chemicals’ called PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances). Recent science shows us that the production, use, and disposal of these products pollute people and the planet. These chemicals also make their way ...