2016 Business Forums

Drought and Floods in Oregon: Plan Now or Pay Later? (May 4, 2016)  

A majority of Oregon counties experienced drought emergencies in 2015, while some saw significant flooding in December. Are our water resource laws equipped to help Oregon’s economy withstand serious drought impacts such as those that have cost California $2-3 billion annually or the recent Midwest flooding that is expected to hit $3 billion? How can we get ahead of these threats? We’re pleased to bring Robert Glennon, one of the nation’s foremost water resource experts, to Portland. He will share his insights on how Oregon can learn from other states that have recently experienced major droughts and/or floods and plan now to get ahead of the problem. A panel of local water resource leaders will follow his presentation with their reactions.

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City of Portland – Bureau of Environmental Services
Drive Oregon
EDF Renewable Energy
Elemental Technologies
IBEW – Local 48
Pacific Continental Bank
Perkins Coie
Portland Development Commission
Sequential Pacific Biodiesel
Trillium Asset Management

City of Portland – Bureau of Transportation
City of Portland – Water Bureau
Ecology and Environment
Northwest Environmental Business Council
Research into Action
Strategies 360