Sponsoring the Northwest Environmental Health Conference

The 7TH Annual Northwest Environmental Health Conference
April 17, 2015, Doubletree Hotel, Portland, OR

Hosted by: Oregon Environmental Council | Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility | Multnomah County Health Department | Oregon Health Authority | Oregon Public Health Association | Multnomah Education Service District | Environmental Protection Agency Region 10

Sponsorship Prospectus

The annual Northwest Environmental Health Conference is a regional gathering spot, where PhD scientists convene with tribal leaders; state legislators rub elbows with neighborhood leaders, and epidemiologists hobnob with students in the health sciences.

This unique one-day event is an opportunity for your organization to sponsor learning and community engagement while gaining valuable market visibility.

More than 30 presenters from Washington and Oregon will bring the latest information on issues of concern to both urban and rural communities. More than 200 participants will learn the latest science about how autism and ADHD are being connected to environmental triggers like diesel exhaust, how climate change is affecting our health, or how nitrates and arsenic in well water pose increased risks for miscarriages and some cancers.

Dr. John Balbus, Senior Advisor for Public Health to the Director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, will deliver the keynote address.

Attendees will go home with new ideas and innovative solutions, such as “Baby Booster Zones” or how high-tech wrist bands can help monitor exposures to harmful chemicals in the environment. They will have new tools that help link and integrate public health and primary care, and best practices for sharing technical data with lay audiences.

Sponsorship Levels

The Northwest Environmental Health conference depends on the generous support of our sponsors, which enables us to keep ticket prices at affordable levels. Sponsorship opportunities and benefits:

Premier Sponsor ($5,000+)

  • Brief introductory comments at the conference
  • Recognition on conference invitations
  • Company logo on conference signage
  • Company logo on conference web page
  • Complimentary tickets: 6
  • Recognition of sponsorships on name badge

Major Sponsor ($2,500+)

  • Recognition on conference invitations
  • Company logo on conference signage
  • Company logo  on conference web page
  • Complimentary tickets: 4
  • Recognition of sponsorships on name badge

Sustaining Sponsor ($1,000+)

  • Company name on conference signage and web page
  • Complimentary tickets: 3
  • Recognition of sponsorships on name badge

Supporting Sponsor ($500+)

  • Complimentary tickets: 2
  • Recognition of sponsorships on name badge

Sponsorship pledges are needed by March 15 and earlier pledges will ensure recognition in the full range of conference promotions.

Please contact Kevin Kasowski at the Oregon Environmental Council (503-222-1963 x120 or [email protected]) with questions or to join as a sponsor. We hope we can look forward to your support!






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